Capacity Building Consultancy

Cubex engages in capacity building through various initiatives. We often collaborate with local and international organizations to enhance waste management practices in different regions. Our capacity-building efforts involve providing training in operations management of different waste facilities. These efforts aim to empower communities with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to improve their environmental, social and economic settings.
Full description
Cubex engages in capacity building through various initiatives. We often collaborate with local and international organizations to enhance waste management practices in different regions. Our capacity-building efforts involve providing training in operations management of different waste facilities. These efforts aim to empower communities with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to improve their environmental, social and economic settings.
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  • Pricing upon request

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Rita Al Jahjah

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Use case

Capacity-building initiative for the upgrade of Zahle composting facility
As part of the collaboration working on the “Upgrade of Zahle composting facility to support its capacity in response to the port of Beirut explosion” project funded by UNDP Lebanon, Cubex conducted a capacity-building initiative, included developing a detailed Compost Operations Manual while designing and implementing a Capacity Building Plan comprised two programs: A 3-day workshop with the operating team, and 5 days of onsite training. Through this project intervention, we provided the operators with the toolset needed to improve their daily operations and enhance the quality of the compost produced.