Waste Advisory Services

Full description
At CubeX, we offer comprehensive solid waste consultancy services, specializing in repurposing organic waste into valuable resources and covering the entire solid waste lifecycle with various valorization and treatment methods. Our waste advisory services include in-depth assessments, tailored solution designs, strategic planning, capacity building, compliance assistance, and project management, all aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and fostering efficient waste management practices through innovative approaches and collaboration with partners.
Product pricing

  • Pricing upon request

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Rita Al Jahjah

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Use case

Waste Consultancy in Blida province, Algeria
Under the guidance of PEM Consult and the GIZ funded Pemlo project, Cubex undertook a waste consultancy in Blida province, Algeria. The focus was on assessing organic waste management in the Bougara and Boufarik wholesale vegetable markets. The comprehensive assessment included solution design, feasibility studies for a composting facility, market assessments for compost products, and identification of best practices for farmers. This consultancy aimed to address existing waste management challenges and lay the groundwork for sustainable solutions in the region.