Fecal Sludge Management Consulting Services

Our goal is to establish economically viable fecal sludge treatment and valorization operations, encompassing objectives such as collection, treatment, recovery, and compost commercialization. We conduct FSM state assessments, design and implement operations, and provide ongoing management, monitoring, and evaluation support. Our structured services include preliminary and in-depth assessments, operations design, stakeholder engagement, awareness campaigns, and research and development activities.
Full description
Our goal is to establish economically viable fecal sludge treatment and valorization operations, encompassing objectives such as collection, treatment, recovery, and compost commercialization. We conduct FSM state assessments, design and implement operations, and provide ongoing management, monitoring, and evaluation support. Our structured services include preliminary and in-depth assessments, operations design, stakeholder engagement, awareness campaigns, and research and development activities.
Product pricing

  • Pricing upon request

Brochure or other document


Rita Al Jahjah

Supplier website


  • Selected countries

Use case

Feasibility study for Fecal Sludge Management in Antoura-Keserwan
Cubex conducted a feasibility study for Fecal Sludge Management in Antoura-Keserwan, Lebanon, addressed sanitation challenges by planning interventions over 5 years and developing a budgeted implementation plan. It also mapped household system solution providers and prepared selection criteria for them. The study led to an integrated municipal-level solution, boosting community engagement in operation and maintenance.