Watersheds, lakes and reservoirs represent fundamental units for water resources management. Understanding the hydrology of a watershed, the multifunctional use of water within the system, and the ecosystems it supports, is essential for ensuring a sustainable use and management of the water for present and future generations. We offer model applications based on open source models for these important water systems, and can apply the models for climate change and environmental impact assessments and restoration modelling.
Full description
At WaterITech, we have many years of expertise in application of state-of-the-art, open-source hydrological and water quality models, including the SWAT+ model for watershed hydrology, and the GOTM-WET model for water quality in lakes and reservoirs. We can apply the models for any giving watershed or reservoir in the world based on globally available data sources, or specific data sources requested by our clients. We also offer advanced data analysis including time series trend analysis and a wide range of machine learning approaches for regression and classification analysis.
Value proposition
We are world leading model experts with many years of experience. We apply mainly free open-source model solutions that you may share at your own discretion. We enable an array of climate change and environmental impact scenario options based on highly recognized, science-based and very well documented solutions. We also offer complete onboarding of the models to the WaterWebTools forecasting platform - giving you easy access to operational forecasts (9 days into the future) for watershed hydrology, reservoir storage, water quality and more.
External links
Product pricing
- Pricing depending on specific customer demands