Waterly - Real time water quality monitoring

Waterly is a water quality monitoring service for lakes, rivers, ponds and reservoirs, based on fully autonomous measuring buoys and AI algorithms that, regardless of environmental conditions or the season, continuously monitor water parameters and, when changes are detected, immediately send alert notifications.
Full description
Waterly is an innovative system for water quality monitoring and early warning system using state-of-the-art technology to continuously analyze the condition of surface water in real time. With the Waterly system, you will be sure that taking a dip in a lake or river is safe for you and your loved ones, and that the water parameters provide the right conditions for the development of the local flora and fauna.

The system consists of three components. The first of these is fully autonomous measuring buoys that float on the water surface and continuously and independently of weather conditions or season monitor the water environment. The second is a master system, the so-called cloud, which aggregates, stores and analyzes data obtained from measuring devices. The cloud uses artificial intelligence algorithms to predict changes and threats that may occur in a given water body, such as predicting the occurrence of blue-green algae in bathing areas or fish suffocation. The final component is a data visualization application that allows viewing current values of measured parameters, previewing events, analyzing historical data, remotely changing buoy settings or updating the software of measuring buoys.

When changes in the aquatic environment are detected, the system sends notifications to the reservoir administration about the situation that has occurred.

Complementing the entire system are information boards that can be placed in public areas near reservoirs monitored by Waterly. Each board has its own unique QR code, which, when scanned with a smartphone, automatically launches the Waterly app.And all this so that every person can check the water quality of a lake, pond or river in their immediate vicinity.

Due to its unique characteristics and unconventional design, the entire Waterly system finds use in a wide spectrum of monitoring applications:
- water quality and level of lakes and rivers,
- water quality of farm ponds,
- water quality of fishing ponds,
- water level (digital water level gauge),
- water quality of public bathing areas,
- quality of water used by industrial plants in technological processes,
Value proposition
- full working autonomy
- full operation even in winter
- real time monitoring 24/7
- notifications
- easy installation (drop n go)
- an app with water data on demand
- improve frequency of monitoring by up to 26000 times
- reducing monitoring costs by up to 25 times
- vandal-proof
Product pricing

369.00 Rate: monthly

  • Pricing upon request
  • Pricing depending on specific customer demands

Delivery time
30 Days
Brochure or other document


Patryk KamiƄski
Tel: +48789346494
Supplier website


  • Data
  • Equipment
  • Software/IT


  • EU only


  • water quality
  • IoT
  • monitoring
  • real-time data capture
  • water management
  • water pollution
  • Water treatment

Use case

Wigry National Park Monitoring
Picture of monitoring buoy