Mangrove Technology Platform

The Mangrove Technology Platform (MTP) empowers tree planting in arid regions through desalination, fostering small-medium scale carbon farming without intensifying the strain on fertile soil and freshwater already pressured by extensive food production.
Full description
The Mangrove Technology Platform is a modular system that integrates 3 core technologies:
Desalination module. A solar-powered unit that converts saltwater into freshwater. The module leverages the internal heat generated by the sun irradiation to evaporate the saltwater (seawater, brine, saline underground water), while the condensation phase is performed by a top layer of glazing. With an overall area of 40 m2 the passive design version is able to produce 200-250 l per day (for an average of 10 hours running).
Salt factory. Conventional brine management practices, which often involve mere discharging, can have significant environmental impacts. The MTP completely avoids these impacts through an integrated forced ventilation salt production process, leading to a Zero Brine Discharge system and food-grade salt production.
Planting nest. A planting module made with organic material and mycelium to water the plants efficiently. It supports plants’ growth while saving up water, ensuring the tree establishment after transplant. Technological improvements have been planned on both desalination unit and mycelium-based planting module in order to continue their maturation towards, respectively TRL 9 and TRL 6. It will be useful to receive the support of the accelerator to look for other carbon/ecosystem regeneration projects and additional partners whose technologies could be functionally integrated in the MTP.
Value proposition
We keep the Earth habitable: provide freshwater, regenerate soil and clean air
Product dimensions:

2 (H) x 1 (L) x 1 (W) metres

Product pricing

Fixed price

  • Pricing depending on specific customer demands

Product weight
Product material
Brochure or other document


Baptiste Laurent
Tel: 0033787079140
Supplier website


  • Equipment
  • Forestry


  • Globally


  • water management
  • solar desalination
  • reforestation
  • carbon farming

Use case

Facility in Tinos Island (GR)
Real scale demosite in Tinos islands: 80 solar desalination units producing freshwater to water a tropical fruit and aloe greenhouse
The first real scale MTP facility, is operational since 2020 in Tinos island (GR) and annually produces 75 m3 of freshwater, avoids 15 m3 of brine discharge and yields 700 Kg of salt. The system treats seawater to produce freshwater for the irrigation of greenhouse that yearly produces 500 Kg of organic tropical fruits and aloe for local consumption. The area is highly touristic during the summer season, and the ability to grow these fruits on site, reduces the need for additional transportation of the food all the way to the islands, contributing to reduce inherent greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater demand. Moreover three locals were trained, with two technicians now collaborating on facility supervision and maintenance.
The first real scale demo sites have proved over the years to provide not only environmental but also socio-economic benefits, helping to tackle water scarcity, promoting ecosystem restoration and climate change mitigation actions while supporting the technological advancement of rural communities.
In the next year three more facilities will be installed: Tuscany, Malta and Malaysia.